Multifaceted Insects
Amazing colours, bizarre anatomy and fascinating lifestyles: The diversity and adaptability of insects is overwhelming and their importance for our environment is immense. Insects are the most diverse group of animals, and they are irreplacably important for us humans. Their protection is one of mankind’s top priorities, because their diversity and abundance are under pressure – worldwide.
This interactive exhibition presents the three facets “Diversity | Endangerment | Protection“ with numerous mounted original insects, bilingual (GER / ENG) info displays, audio- and video stations, as well as large-scale photos. Visitors get an impression of the many groups like beetles, butterflies, dragonflies, locusts and many more. A highly detailed large model insect invites visitors to take a very close look at their fascinating anatomy.
All topics are presented family-friendly and in a way that laypersons can easily handle them.
The exhibition was developed within the project “ProInsekt” – an initiative of the Museumsverbundes der Nord- und Ostsee Region e.V. (NORe) – and financed by the Federal Programme for Biological Diversity by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation with funds from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection in cooperation with the German Federal Environmental Foundation. Collection data from numerous northern German Museums of Nature, among them Bielefeld, were processed to explore and present the current situation for insects in the area.
title photo: “Kleinlibellen” (c) Alberto Ghizzi Panizza